Be the Light of the World

2024-25 School Opening Speech
Good morning students and teachers. It is my absolute delight to welcome you all back for another exciting school year here at True Light. I hope you enjoyed a fun and relaxing summer break spending time with family and friends.
I had the privilege of going on a very special summer trip this year. Together with Principal Kwan, our Council member, Principal Tai of our Primary School, Principal Yeung of our Kindergarten, and Miss Kandi Wong, chairlady of our Alumni Association, we spent two weeks visiting True Light alumni, past principals, and teachers in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada. We connected with an incredible range of True Lighters, from those who had just left True Light at 10 years old to alumni who were 101 years young!
We shared updates on True Light’s recent developments and future plans, and invited the alumni to join in our 90th School Anniversary celebrations. It was wonderful connecting with alumni who have lived in Canada for years, as well as more recent arrivals. I was touched to see our newest alumni already well-connected with the local True Light alumni associations. Witnessing these deep bonds reaffirmed the meaning of the True Light spirit and what it means to be “Once a True Lighter, Always a True Lighter.”
The alumni we met with were extremely enthusiastic about participating in the 90th School Anniversary celebrations. Many shared fond memories of their time at True Light and were excited to reconnect with their alma mater.
The invitation sparked an outpouring of True Light pride and sisterhood. I have no doubt the 90th Anniversary will be a joyful and well-attended occasion bringing together True Lighters from all around the world.
Our school outlines major development priorities every three years to focus on key areas, such as learning and teaching as well as student development and support. The theme guiding our major school development over the next three years is: “Leap to learn well. Learn to live well.”
Girls, in your opinion, what does it mean to “live well and learn well”?
What types of things do you do to achieve this balance?
I invited students from various forms to share their perspectives on these questions with me. I was highly appreciative of their thoughtful responses. Here are some of their inspiring answers::
“I think that “live well and learn well” means striking a balance between study and leisure. We should work hard to achieve academic goals, while also reserving time for having fun and participating in extracurricular activities.
In my opinion, I will plan a timetable for my daily life, which includes my studying program as well as activities I’m interested in, such as playing the piano and taekwondo. This way, I can enjoy my free time without affecting my studies.” 5A04 HO CHARLOTTE
“I believe that living well and learning well means that our learning and living can benefit each other. Learning well contributes to happier and healthier lives while living well enables us to cultivate a healthier and happier attitude toward effective learning, leading to a more meaningful life.” 5C LEUNG CHING
“I’m my opinion, maintain good relationship with my family means living well. I cherish the time I spend with my family and try to avoid quarrels. As an elder sister at home, I try my best to stay positive everyday as to keep the happy atmosphere at home.
I think learn well means study hard. It’s hard to avoid stress when studying, but we should let stress to drive us and do our best in every quizzes and exams. Treasure every chances to learn and improve yourself.” 2B27 YAU HILARY
Thank you for the sharing, my dear girls.
Girls, as we embark on a new chapter, I invite each of you to define what “learn well and live well” means to you. Set goals and find ways to achieve them. You can also find someone to work together with – enjoy the company and encouragement of your peers.
This year, your teachers, social workers, and staff will collaborate to try new things both inside and outside the classroom, working alongside you to support your learning and growth. Let’s support one another and make this an amazing year.
Before closing this portion of my speech, I want to show you a video with no title. Please watch closely and come up with a title that you feel encompasses the message.
Girls, what did you see in that video? Did you find yourself represented? What title comes to your mind after watching it?
Girls, there are about 150 photos capturing you shining uniquely in various ways.
I see “Light and Shine” as a fitting title, one that also represents our school’s 90th anniversary theme.
Each one of you here is uniquely gifted with talents and potential. We will strive to provide diverse opportunities, platforms, and facilities for you all to flourish. Seize these opportunities and be proactive, just as you already are in so many ways, as the video demonstrated. Develop your abilities fully and let your light shine, benefiting society for the glory of God.
Thank you.
School Opening Ceremony, 2 September, 2024.
As the principal of True Light, you may ask, “What do you want the True Light girls to be?” My answer is “Be the Light of the World”.
On 1st January 1868, a young woman missionary who was only 24 years old, travelled alone across the Pacific Ocean from North America to China. She was Ms. Harriet Newell Noyes, our school founder. When she first arrived in Guangzhou, she was deeply disturbed when she witnessed how Chinese women were confined in their quarters, trapped by their immobility and low status in society. She realized that her calling was to achieve a mission beyond the mere preaching of the Gospel. She was determined to be a social pioneer in changing the traditional culture by nurturing the academic talents of girls. With this belief in her mind, she founded the first True Light College, the first Christian school for girls in Guangzhou on 16 June 1872.
In 1872, the student population was six. With the passage of time, True Light has made expansions and undergone transformations to adapt to changes with each new generation. At present, there are altogether four True Light schools in Hong Kong and Seven True Light schools in Guangzhou, of which the total population exceeds 10 000. Ms. Harriet Newell Noyes, our school founder, is the Light of the World.
How could we be the light of the world? I believe that we are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light and shine upon others. By being the light of the world, we are moving our school from a good school to an excellent one.
I hope that True Light girls will rejoice and be glad every day here at this campus and give praise every day to the Lord.
Hui Tuen Yung Frances